Submit an event

Submit an event

Have you got a great event happening in The UK this year?  Want to feature it on WhichMotorbike online events calendar for free?  Just Login or Register  (if you don’t have an account) to fill the form below and your event could appear on our website (along with other publications) soon.

Unauthorized Access

You do not have the rights to manage this Event.

Event approval

Please note that all events are subject to approval and WhichMotorbike reserves the right to edit any submitted event information to ensure consistency of style and tone.

To be included, events should appeal to Riders in your area or country.  Therefore, please refer to our approval guidelines below detailing which type of events we will list.

Examples of the types of events which will be included are:

  • Motorcycle shows
  • Motorbike events

Important Information

By submitting your event, you agree to these Terms & Conditions. Please note your event details are added via the events data gathering services  and are subject to their terms and conditions, and may be syndicated to other client websites and marketing outlets which subscribe to the data feed.

Depending on the volume of events being processed, it can take up from 1-3 days for your event to appear in our events calendar so please submit your event in plenty of time to allow it maximum exposure on our site.

There is no fee to have your event listed.


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